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Showing the Initiative

Now that we can add and remove items to the initiative tracker we'd like to show these values to the players.

Create a new initiativeList.js file in the base of the project.

import OBR from "@owlbear-rodeo/sdk";

const ID = "com.tutorial.initiative-tracker";

export function setupInitiativeList(element) {
const renderList = (items) => {

The setupInitiativeList will takes in a HTMLUListElement and will respond to changes in the Owlbear Rodeo scene.

To display the items that have an initiative value edit the renderList function.

import OBR from "@owlbear-rodeo/sdk";

const ID = "com.tutorial.initiative-tracker";

export function setupInitiativeList(element) {
const renderList = (items) => {
// Get the name and initiative of any item with
// our initiative metadata
const initiativeItems = [];
for (const item of items) {
const metadata = item.metadata[`${ID}/metadata`];
if (metadata) {
initiative: metadata.initiative,
// Sort so the highest initiative value is on top
const sortedItems = initiativeItems.sort(
(a, b) => parseFloat(b.initiative) - parseFloat(a.initiative)
// Create new list nodes for each initiative item
const nodes = [];
for (const initiativeItem of sortedItems) {
const node = document.createElement("li");
node.innerHTML = `${} (${initiativeItem.initiative})`;

Above we find all items that have our initiative metadata and sort them so the highest value is first. We then create a HTMLListElement for each value and replace the children of the input element with our new nodes.

To use the setupInitiativeList function import it into the main.js file.

import "./style.css";
import OBR from "@owlbear-rodeo/sdk";
import { setupContextMenu } from "./contextMenu";
import { setupInitiativeList } from "./initiativeList";

document.querySelector("#app").innerHTML = `
<h1>Initiative Tracker</h1>
<ul id="initiative-list"></ul>

OBR.onReady(() => {

Now when you add an item to the initiative it will show up in your action popover.

Initiative List