Tutorial - Initiative Tracker
Follow a basic tutorial to create an initiative tracker. We'll look at extending the context menu and storing custom data in a scene.
The final source code for this tutorial can be found here.
📄️ Setup the Project
To streamline project setup we're going to use the hello world tutorial as a base.
📄️ Create a Context Menu Item
To add a character to the initiative tracker we're going to create a custom context menu item. We can do this using the Context Menu API but first let's add the icons we want to use to the public folder of our project.
📄️ Implement the Context Menu Item
We now have a button in the context menu but when we click it nothing happens.
📄️ Showing the Initiative
Now that we can add and remove items to the initiative tracker we'd like to show these values to the players.
📄️ What's Next?
You should now have a basic but functioning initiative tracker. If you'd like to see a more complete example you can see our initiative tracker example project.