id | string | The ID of this item (read only) |
type | string | The type of item |
name | string | The name of the item |
visible | boolean | Is this item visible |
locked | boolean | Is this item locked |
createdUserId | string | The user ID of the player who created this item |
zIndex | number | The depth order of this item compared to other items on this layer |
lastModified | string | When this item was last modified (read only) |
lastModifiedUserId | string | The user ID of the player who last modified this item (read only) |
position | Vector2 | The position of this item |
rotation | number | The rotation of this item in degrees |
scale | Vector2 | The scale of this item |
metadata | Metadata | Custom metadata for this item |
layer | Layer | The layer that this item is on |
attachedTo | string | The optional ID of the item this is attached to |
disableHit | boolean | An optional boolean to disable the hit detection for this item |
disableAutoZIndex | boolean | An optional boolean to disable the auto z-index update for this item |
disableAttachmentBehavior | AttachmentBehavior[] | An optional array of attachment behaviors to disable |
description | string | An optional description used by assistive technology |